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Over 1,425 traders are reading my newsletter every Monday and Thursday

The difference between profitable traders & losing traders

I’m up +6.13% for the month.

And it’s not because I am smarter than you.

Or because I have the best trading strategy.

It’s because I focus my attention on what’s important.

I think differently towards my trading - which allows me to trade profitability.

And I wanted to share with you what I focus on, in this email.

As I know it will have a profound impact on your trading results.

In the early stages of my trading career all I wanted to do was make money from the markets.

Which you can probably relate to.

And as a result, I consistently lost money.


The point in which my trading began to improve and I started to build profitability was when I shifted my focus.

I stopped focusing on trying to make money.

Instead, I focused all my attention on performing well.

I changed my goals from wanting to make X amount of money per month to wanting to master my craft and simply become a better trader.

I don't focus on trying to make money or win trades.

I focus on performing as well as I can and sticking to my process.

That’s the difference between successful traders and unsuccessful traders.

The traders who succeed in this business focus on completely different things.

Our focus is on constant improvement and performance.

Which as a bi product, leads us to making money.

Losing traders focus on the complete opposite.

They focus on the money and trying to win each trade, which leads them to performing poorly.

Their poor performance then means that they can never build consistency.

I want you to stop for a moment and think about where your focus is.

Are you focusing on making money as a trader?

Or are you focusing on mastering your craft and following a process?

Because I can tell you now.

The trader who focuses on their performance almost always ends up succeeding, if they don’t quit.

I'll speak to you again in Monday's email,

Lawrence 'focus on your performance'.

PS: If you're ready to shift your focus, so that you can start getting paid from your trading.

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