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I got taken out into the desert

I visited Doha the other week, the capital of Qatar.

Which was completely spontaneous.

But that’s one of the benefits that trading offers you, the time freedom to do what you want, when you want.

While I was there I got taken into the desert, here’s a picture for you:

My time out there reminded me of an important lesson in trading that will help you to make money.

I had some activities planned while in Doha.

One of which, was of course, driving through the desert in some rusty, half beaten up Toyota 4x4.

It was part of this experience, to get driven around the sand dunes.

My driver’s name was Sabil, top bloke, he always made sure I had plenty of water to drink, as it was hot.

When I say he ragged this rusty Toyota around and down the sand dunes, it is an understatement.

We where literally driving side ways down a 45 degree slope.

The sand was flicking up so much you couldn’t even see out the front windows.

He was drifting and racing this 4x4 all over the place.

It was an absolute laugh.

Even better so, when he got out the car he had to check the front of it as pieces had fallen off.

It was a good experience.

But you see, there’s a hidden lesson in that experience.

That lesson is what has allowed me the freedom to randomly fly off to Doha on a Sunday morning.

And that lesson is trust.

I trusted Sabil my driver to keep me safe and not crash the car.

He also chauffeured me from and back to my hotel.

I had never met this man in my life.

But I trusted him.

If you want to be able to make money from your trading and have the time freedom that it can offer you, then you need to have trust in your strategy and your ability to execute it.

Without the ability to trust your strategy, you will continue to lose your money.

It’s this trust in your strategy, ability as a trader that will enable you to commit to your process and execute is profitably.

And as a result, this trust will lead you to taking money out the markets consistently.

That’s why in The 12 Week Blueprint I develop your trust in my strategy and your ability to execute it correctly and consistently.

Which in return will lead you to getting paid from your trading.

Whether that’s through scaling your own capital or getting funded by utilising my proven process.

There's only have 1 space left within The 12 Week Blueprint and once it’s taken, I will be closing my service.

I only work with 4 clients every 3 months and I am already at 75% capacity.

I'll get back to you in Monday's email,

Lawrence 'you need to trust your strategy'.

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